Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I'm a bonehead
As many of you know last week I had an MRI which revealed I had a tumor in my sinus cavity which is at the base of my skull. It is not in or on my brain, but it is right smack between my eyes. The doctor took the tumor out yesterday and he went through my right nostril. He took out 99% of the tumor and said it appeared to him to look like bone and bone marrow. I've always thought I was a bonehead but I guess it's official now. I was in the hospital about 5 hours and came out of surgery with minimal pain. I wanted to share a little of the joy I experienced after surgery. I couldn't believe how big my nostril was so I had Sarah take a picture of it so everyone could see. That is what it looked like before I cleaned it with a hot towel. It hurt too much to pick it with my finger because the blood was stuck to my nose hairs and they were coming out too. I normally tweeze my nose hairs but this hurt worse than tweezing. Enjoy the pic!
I want to say thank you to everyone who was praying for me and my family! I love you all dearly!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Fun with work
I haven't been able to come up with any new or witty responses to the mundane questions I get every day from my customers, but I do have some funny/strange stories/respones I have received.
I delivered a check to a lady who lives off of South School. I have been to her house before and her packages always require a signature. I never looked at the package to see who they were from or tried to figure out why they would require a signature other than the sender paid for it.
So I drive down her steep driveway only to see an empty driveway. I was a little frustrated because I knew I would be coming back the next day to re-attempt her package. I start putting the not available scans on her on package and applying the proper stickers, etc...As I am doing this I hear/see a truck pull into the driveway. The truck parks on the other side of my work truck and I hear the door slam! The lady is jogging toward me yelling, "Don't leave! Don't leave! You have my check. Don't leave!" I guess she didn't see that I wasn't in my truck when she pulled down her driveway. She said, "I felt like I needed to leave. I just felt a sense saying, 'Go home. Go home.' " So I left and came home as I could. I'm glad I did because you are here with my check." The lady opens her check and starts screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes!" and then she blurts out "My $13,000.00 check is her. I can pay off my Harley. You are a God! I feel like kissing you. I would kiss but I don't think you would want me to." I agreed that I didn't want her to kiss me, congratulated her on the check and left.
I deliver lots of paychecks to people and this one girl who works off of Cato Springs always tells me that I am her favorite guy every other Thursday. I smile and say thanks or you should inform my wife of how wonderful I am. Another girl who works at Million Air (Drake Field) always gets excited when I deliver their checks every other Thursday as well. She normally offers me a fountain drink and says, "Thanks buddy! See ya soon."
I just noticed that I deliver paychecks mainly to women. Why is that?
I'm still not loving my job at FedEx but I try to have fun as much as I can. Frequently people will ask me, "What did you bring me?" Sometimes I'll say, "I don't know, I didn't order it or
I brought you that million dollars you ordered." Last week I had the best response to one of my comments. I was on South School delivering an envelope to some people. The lady asked who it was for and I stated the name. She said that's my son, I'll sign for it. What is it? I said, "It's his wildest dreams!" The lady smiled at me and said, "No honey! His wildest dreams couldn't fit in that envelope. Having two women at once is my son's wildest dream. He wouldn't be able to handle it, but at least he would die with a smile on his face!" I never dreamnt I would receive a response like that.
It's a Penis
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Getting better and funnier.
A week or two ago I was driving to a county road called South Lake Wilson Road. The house is in West Fork, but a lot of times this area gets labeled as Fayetteville for some reason. That makes a difference to me as far as commitment times go in my job, but I'm not going to bore you all with that. You need a current 911 map to locate most of my stops in the afternoon. I have a 911 map but it is for 1998, which is a little out of date, but it does help. So I pull out my 911 map once I find the county road, which is called South Lake Wilson Road, to locate house. Shocker, it's not in there. So I look both ways and see a mailbox to my right, so I check it out and decide to go that way. After driving about a mile I notice a mailbox without a name or numbers on it and a long driveway. I decide to take it since I have driven so far and I have never been to this area before. The drive is approximately 3/4-1 mile long and uphill. I finally reach the house and I am backing my truck like I'm supposed to. I grab the box out of my truck and I am doing my thing when I hear a lady yell, "Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?" Of course someone is there, do you think the FedEx fairy drove the truck? So I yell to her and state that I am on way. I ask the lady, are you four thousand four hundred and sixty-one S. Lake Wilson Road? She looks at me bewildered and a little dumbfounded. She replies, "No, I am forty-four, sixty-one." I look at her dumbfounded and then I smile at her. I smile for two reasons, I found the correct house and the lady didn't know the long version of her house number. I don't normally say the long version of house numbers but I do when I am going to West Fork/Winslow area because I am mainly driving on county roads which are 3-4 digits long. This helps me keep from confusing the county road and house number.
It also amazes me how many people don't know their house number. I'll pull up and say, "Are you 3263?" The recipient will say, "I don't know. What's the name?"
One other funny thing that people ask is "Whatcha got there?" A lot of times I say, "A box or an envelope." Lately I started telling people a million dollars. They don't know what to think of that so they quickly sign the sheet and go back to work or whatever they were doing.
It's been a fun ride so far with FedEx but I am ready to find something new. I wish the company had a training position in this area but they don't.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Oh Crappy Days
The second stanza goes like this. Brenden e-mailed me with a paint drawing! Yeah!!! The only bad thing is I can't finish the drawing. I don't know where some of the fine points for detailing the drawing, but I do know how to do some of the work I was unable to finish and I couldn't remember how to do it.
The third stanza happened today. First, I called Shelter Insurance to see where the hiring process was. I had a bad feeling when I didn't receive a phone call yesterday for a second interview. Shelter called back last week saying they were going to continue interviewing the select few this week so I kind of knew this was coming. The third stanza part II goes like this. I was driving through Devils Den Park today to deliver a package in a town called Strickler on a road called Bug Scuffle road. On my way through Devils Den Park I saw about 6 deer, which is always fun. The sad part is one of the deer ran in front of my FedEx truck. This is how the killing occurred. I was driving and see two deer; one to my left and one to my right. The deer on my left goes left and the deer on my right goes right. For whatever reason the deer on my right looks back and decides to go left, which was directly in front of my truck. I slammed on my brakes but it was too late. Since the truck is so big and heavy the deer felt like a little bump in the road. That made me feel horrible and I wanted to go home after that, but I couldn't because I volunteered to work Mon-Wed to make extra money.
I probably wouldn't have volunteered but we need to get rid of debt and lots of things around our house are starting to fall apart. I hope your past two days were better than mine.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Answered prayers
I have more prayer requests to share with you all. Sarah won't start working until Jack is able to be in Mother's Day Out and we are on a long waiting list. It would be nice to have her additional income but I would prefer it if she didn't have to work at all. This leads into my next prayer request. There are 2 full-time positions coming open at FedEx and they close this Friday. That means they are not open for anyone to bid on them after this Friday. I have bid on both of them so hopefully I will get one of them. This will be nice so I can see my family and friends at night again and not have to miss Bible study or hanging out friends anymore. I am also praying that I would get more paint drawing jobs, since that is where the most money is made for me. There are multiple options that could work out for me to make enough income so that Sarah won't have to work. If I went full time at FedEx and did 2 paint drawings a month, went part-time (only if I could switch to AM shift) with FedEx and did 3 paint drawings a month or went full time doing paint drawings.
It's nice to know that God's word is true and He does listen to us when we talk to Him. I encourage everyone to talk with God more. He likes to hear from us.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
You can always count on Memaw and Pepaw for a Coke or Sprite.
I forgot what they were eating, but it must have been good. I bet we were coloring cookies or decorating something.
Sometimes the kids get upset if they aren't able to lick the brownie bowl. They look happy to me.
Just Pictures
Grant is a willing object his cousin Chloe as she practices being a beautician.
Grant didn't want to leave the soccer game, not because of the great game. He didn't want to leave the dirt.
There's nothing quite like a birthday at the McGooden household. This is my Dad's birthday in January. Listed from left to right: Adrienne, Chloe, Yoda and Muscleman from Fantastic 4.
Grant loves Aunt Nikki and BJ (her dog). He also enjoys coloring cookies.
Me and the kids cruising in the 'Stang.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
After our deductible, $1,000.00 US, we are probably going to be an additional $500-$1,000.00 for a shower pan, $200.00 US roughly, and any other repairs that were caused by the water leakage. I am asking everyone to join us in prayer for God to raise all the money we will need. We don't have $1,000 or any additional money that will be required. Thanks for your prayers and I am looking forward to seeing what God does for us again.
Best Meal Ever
As most of you know people bring food to you after you've had a baby. Thankfully this occured again for the birth of Jack. We have had lots of good meals and I am thankful for those who have brought them. I have to give a special shout out to the Henry's. They called and asked what we wanted to eat and Sarah told them pizza. They brought us a couple of pizzas, salad, drinks and beer. Never before has anyone brought over beer as part of a meal. Also, he had one of the pizzas deep dish because he thought I would like that, which I did.
Carrie said, "I hope you like thick crust because Patrick said that's what Nate
would want." Then PW said, "I know what Nate likes."
PW was right. So I wanted to say a special thank you to PW for thinking of me as well. He even brought light beer to help me watch my figure. Generally I tell people to ask Sarah what she wants since we are receiving these meals because she gave birth. I got to do the fun parts, have sex and watch the birth. Any chump can do that.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
What a Day/Morning
I forgot to mention how Grant spits into the toilet. I showed him where to put his hands on the toilet and then told him to spit. So he puts his hands on the toilet, leans his entire upper body into the toilet and then spits. I see the water move! I don't know if is from Grant's spit or if he just dunked his head into the toilet. Fortunately, it was from his spitting and his face was not wet. I'll try to get a picture of that to post later. It is funny business!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
God's Provision
I also wanted to let everyone know that Shelli Jones' blog is definitely worth your time. I don't know the woman but she ranks in my top 3 favorite blogs. I have played cards with her husband at the men's retreat and he is cool also. His name is Justin.
New Computer
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
After I got home from work I noticed my toe nails were hurting. So I took off my sock to find that my toe nails were too long, so I decided to cut them. I cut my big toe nail last and I wanted to show Sarah because it was so long. I showed Sarah my toe nail and she thought it was disgusting, but it wasn't. I continued to look at it for a few minutes in amazement that I cut it off in one piece and at its size. After all of this I smelled something on my fingers. Initially I thought it was from Jack's diaper I just changed but I didn't see any mook on my hands. I continued to search the smell when I saw my toe nails. My feet were sweaty from work and but I never dreamed that to be the smell. My feet can get funky, but they've never smelled like this before. I do have one pair of sandals that I will not take my feet out of until I go to bed or wash my feet but I wasn't wearing them last night, obviously, since I came from work. So I pick my the long toe nail and smell it. Bingo! I never would have guessed that my toe nail would stink so bad, but it did. Now I wish I had taken a picture of it for everyone to see.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Prayer Requests
Many of you know our story the past couple of years. God has been faithful all the way through and I predict He will continue to be faithful. He has already brought about a new part-time job working with the Blanchette's doing paint drawings for airplanes. The work is exciting and frustrating as I am learning to identify differnt parts of planes, learn autocad, etc...Fortunately Brenden is very patient and willing to work with me. I am reminded of how faithful God was to Israel as they wandered for forty years in the wilderness. Many times they forgot God or sinned against his Chosen leaders. One of the awesome things about God is that He loves us 24/7. I think of how frustrated and mad I get at my kids for disobedience, I can't imagine what God thinks or feels as He sees us chasing mute items.
Thanks for all of your prayers, support and love; for past, present and future, that you, our friends, have shown us. You all are proof that God is everything the Bible says He is.
Since I am random in my thinking and being, I wanted to say that I would be remiss if I didn't say God bless you all and America. I thought about that statement and why I wanted to say it. I think I wanted to say it because I like to use the word remiss. I guess it wouldn't be my blog if it wasn't a little off kilter.
I hope to see you all in the hospital. You don't have to worry about not getting to hold Jack. We will let everyone have a turn. You might have to fight Max and Grant to hold him, but I will gladly share my turn.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Funny Boys
This past weekend the Loibners visited us. None of the boys showered all weekend and they were pretty stinky at the end of the weekend. I'll start with Saturday morning. I was on the couch when I saw Max run into the living room. He spotted me and asked if he could watch cartoons? He laid down with me and I noticed an odor. I asked Max if he passed gas? He said no. I asked him several times because I kept smelling something. He denied passing gas every time. The Loibners left but not before discussing how bad our children stunk. Max put his Buzz Lightyear costume on once he woke up. My parents called so we decided to go to Siloam. When Max was taking off his costume he said, "Dad. Did something die in here?". We all laughed then I took a shower with the boys. There's always a good time brewing at our house.
Update 04/03/06
This isn't funny, but it sure is sweet. The Rowley's brought us dinner tonight and it was great. We had manicotti, salad, cookies, bread sticks...I liked it a lot. I was a little disappointed there wasn't any sweet tea, but I still love them. Sarah told me after they that Max asked, "Why aren't they staying for dinner?". So if you're bringing us food you might as well make some extra and sit down for dinner.
Update 04/10/06
How scary can a vampire be with a smile like that?
Here are the boys loving Mom and Jack!
This was called Rocket. It was one of the few ways I could keep Grant from going crazy!
These guys loving taking baths. Max has been asking when Baby Jack can join them. His cord and circumsion ring fell off in the same day! Now Jack can shower or bathe with his brothers. He'll probably need an oxygen tank, floaties, and a knife to stay alive, but I'm sure it will be fun.
Update 04/22/06
Today Max spilled some water on his shorts as he was helping clean the house. He just put a cup in the sink and then he starts to take off his shorts. So I ask him,
"Max. What are you doing?"
"My penis is wet. I'm taking off my shorts."
"How did your penise get wet?"
"I spilled water on it."
"From what?"
"Water. From that cup."
"Oh. I don't see any wet spots on your shorts."
"Dad! My shorts are wet and I'm taking them off."
"Make sure you put new shorts on."
"Because Memaw and Nikki are coming over."
Sarah told me I would do the same thing if my penis was wet. Maybe I would. I do prefer to be naked. Do you think my joy for nakedness led to our 3 kids? either.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Squirrels 2
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that March Madness started today. I hope everyone picked their brackets and I pray the Hogs are bracket busters this year. It's good to be back in the tourney. God bless America!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sprint Tax
Sometime last week I was speaking with another LaTour employee about the benefits of working at Sprint Tax. I am able to check my e-mail and get paid for minimal work. I know checking your e-mail is not a big deal to some of you, but when your computer breaks and you don't have the money to get a new one, it is a perk. Trust me. Sometimes I call Sarah and give her an update on her e-mail and send e-mails for her. I know, what a loving and thoughtful husband. God was really good to her when he matched us up. After finishing my conversation with the other LaTour employee John LaTour calls me. He called about 1 min. after I hung up the phone. It was as if he was listening to us or knew that I was not busy at all. I don't blame him at all for giving me research projects to do each day I work. He is a business man and wants to get a ROI. The other LaTour employee calls me back when John leaves the office and promised they did not tell John I was bored or needed something to do while sitting on my butt.
For those of you who keep up with my blog, you will notice an unusual trend. I have at least one blog for the past three months. Eat your heart blogger world!
On a side note, the NCAA tournament is starting this week so the Hogs need extra prayers from their faithful.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Fun times in the shower
About a month ago Max and I were in the shower together. In the midst of showering I noticed Max is checking me out. Actually, he's checking out my package, so I start watching Max. A few seconds later Max looks up at me and says:
"Dad. You have a big penis."
Nate: "What? What did you just say?".
Max: "You have a big penis. How did it get so big?"
Nate: "I don't know. It's just that size. I guess God wanted my penis this big."
Max: "Oh! Will my penis ever get that big?"
Nate: "For your sake, I hope so."
Max: "Me too Dad, because your penis is really big!"
After the penis conversation we finished showering and went about our every day business. Kids are funny! There isn't a topic that is off limits for them. So enjoy your kids, nephews, nieces, etc...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
More blogging
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
48 Days
I am reading this book called 48 days to the work you love by Dan Miller. I recommend the book to anyone who is struggling like I am to find a job that they enjoy and pays you appropriately. After reading the first chapter there were some questions for you to answer. I thought I would put them on the laptop so I wouldn't have to keep up with a notebook. The very last question is: "If nothing changed in your life in the next 5 years, would that be OK?" I'm not real good with the quoting and citing sources so if I'm doing something illegal let me know...I might change it.
I was talking to one of my frat brothers who just graduated from law the other night and I brought up this very statement to him. In the past 5 years of my life not much has changed at all. I have 2 more mouths to feed and a third on the way and more debt than I did 5 years. I'm not exactly living the American dream! This thought blew me away. I am worse off financially, by a long shot, than I was 5 years when I was working part-time at Sprint Tax and going to school. How pathetic is that? This isn't a poor Nate or cry for pity but a realization I hadn't noticed or thought about it recently. I realize that I have made some poor decisions that are the direct result of my current situation and I can't change that. If I could turn back time I never would have quit Wal-Mart, but hindsight and second-guessing is easy to do. Right now I'm smiling thinking about the trials and things I have gone through personally and with my family. I have seen God work in mighty ways through friends and family. God has poured his grace upon me during this time by opening hearts and check books to pay my bills. I have two friends who gave a total of $1,800.00 to us. Unreal! One friend gave anonomously after reading one of my first blogs. I didn't put that blog up there in order for people to give us money. It's my job to provide for my family, not my friends/family. I'm not saying it's bad for others to help out those in need, that's what being a Christian is all about. I'm praying that God will help me find a meaningful job that allows me to provide for my family also. I think I want to do something that involves an aspect of ministry or do full-time ministry work. I really don't know which is why I'm in my current position. I have a lack of focus and direction in my life in what I think God is calling me to do professionally. I am trying to change that with God's help and leading.