Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Best Meal Ever

As most of you know people bring food to you after you've had a baby. Thankfully this occured again for the birth of Jack. We have had lots of good meals and I am thankful for those who have brought them. I have to give a special shout out to the Henry's. They called and asked what we wanted to eat and Sarah told them pizza. They brought us a couple of pizzas, salad, drinks and beer. Never before has anyone brought over beer as part of a meal. Also, he had one of the pizzas deep dish because he thought I would like that, which I did.

Carrie said, "I hope you like thick crust because Patrick said that's what Nate
would want." Then PW said, "I know what Nate likes."

PW was right. So I wanted to say a special thank you to PW for thinking of me as well. He even brought light beer to help me watch my figure. Generally I tell people to ask Sarah what she wants since we are receiving these meals because she gave birth. I got to do the fun parts, have sex and watch the birth. Any chump can do that.

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