Yesterday and into the morning were a whirlwind. I found out after Bible study that there was another paint drawing for me to do so I was excited about that. I also got paid for my initial paint drawing which is also exciting. I didn't go work for my Dad because I thought I would get my paint drawing in the morning, but I didn't. They had bigger fish to fry to first, but I did receive my new paint drawing. Since I didn't get the drawing when I thought I would I took the boys and myself to get haircuts at Leon's Beauty College. The boys behaved exceptionally well so we went to Sonic for a reward, then we went to Old Navy to do a little Easter shopping. The boys then began to get tired and hungry so their behavior was not good. We bought a shirt, went home, ate lunch and put the boys down. They were behaving worse now than before. Sarah and I watched House, because we have a DVR now, for the first time in a long time. We enjoyed the time together. Then I called Brenden to have him help me set up my AutoCAD program so I can work. That ran me until 3:15ish, which is when I normally leave for FedEx. Thankfully, Sarah remembered that Max lost the keys to the car in the mini-van and began looking for them while I got dressed. We couldn't find them initially, so I told the boys to get ready because they were taking me to work since Max lost the keys. Max was only wearing his underwear at the time. Sarah found the keys as I was putting the boys in the mini-van. So I leave for work and I arrive 2 minutes prior to my starting time. While I was gone the boys were horrible and got paint all over their room. I'll let
Sarah tell you about that since she went through it. So I go to work and it was fine, until I got back to the station. While we were doing the re-load, which is putting the boxes in cans so they can be sent to their proper destinations, one of my co-workers recieved a call from his mother who informed him that his Dad just died! Hello!! So he walks by me crying and talking on his cell phone. I ask him what's wrong and he tells me his Dad just died. What do you do when someone tells you that? I did the only thing I knew to do. I gave him a hug, told him I was sorry and he left. So I get home, begin working on my paint drawing a little before I go to bed. Around 1:30ish I hear Grant screaming. It's not his normal scream he has from a bad dream or being scared, this is loud! So I run to get him. After I pick him up he pukes on my shoulder. It was a small amount thankfully so I call to Sarah for some back-up. She is nursing Jack so she has to go back to him to finish his feeding so he won't cry himself! Is anyone else tired yet? I am. So I clean the puke in the boys' room with Grant at my side. He is reading books, playing with toys and being rather chipper considering he was just screaming about 10 minutes ago. I have all the lights on in the room while I am cleaning up and Max slept through everything. He rolled over once but he never knew that I was in there cleaning up puke. So Sarah puts some sheets on the couch for Grant and a trash can for him to puke in. I go back to bed and around 2:00-3:00 Grant is screaming again! This time he puked in the living room on his way to the toilet. I guess he forgot about the trash can. So I clean that up while Sarah tends to Grant. She asks me if I want to sleep on the couch with Grant? I said no, but I guess I will. Grant falls asleep around 3:30-4:00. He wakes up when Sarah is taking Max to Mother's Day Out. Grant sees that Sarah is leaving and he begins to cry because he wants to go with her. I try to explain he can't go because he might make the other children sick, but it doesn't work. So here I am working at Sprint Tax, then going to FedEx, and then coming home to work on my paint drawing. It feels like the insanity will never end, but I know it will. I hope everyone has an exciting day.
I forgot to mention how Grant spits into the toilet. I showed him where to put his hands on the toilet and then told him to spit. So he puts his hands on the toilet, leans his entire upper body into the toilet and then spits. I see the water move! I don't know if is from Grant's spit or if he just dunked his head into the toilet. Fortunately, it was from his spitting and his face was not wet. I'll try to get a picture of that to post later. It is funny business!