Friday, June 01, 2007

Poker Earnings

After a hard day of delivering the Purple Promise in Harrison I came home and did what every good poker pal dad would do; I took Max and Grant to see Shrek with my poker winnings from the previous morning. The big boys and I went to the malt to watch Shrek and it was great. We had cokes, candy and a really excited little boy behind us. As soon the lights went down he started saying, "Where's Shrek? Dad! Where's Shrek? Shrek!!! I see Shrek!" which actually made the movie a little more fun for me. The boys didn't seem to mind his excitement either. I was a little concerned that we would miss part of the movie because one or both of the boys would need to take a pee break, but that didn't happen. I encouraged them to drink their cokes slowly. All in all it was a great day for us. The poker pals were benevolent again by allowing me to take my boys to a movie. Thanks for folding all of your winning hands.

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