Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I pooped in my pants

We are still trying to potty train Grant. He was doing great until our family caught this stomach virus which gave him explosive mook (my fave word for poop) and we made him wear pull-ups until the virus passed.

Now we make him wash off outside with the hose, clean his underwear, bathe himself and he loses toys. This isn't working too well. If you have any ideas, which are legal, let us know.

1 comment:

Chris said...

just google dead pigeon and you can find some pics, then post them. I don't have your email or Sarah's but I read y'all's blogs and love them. It's been a couple years since I've seen y'all. Ran into y'all just before one of your kids was born and saw y'all at teh Grove but couldn't catch you.