Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Any Ideas?

As many of you know I switched routes so I could increase my studies and get my CAD certification sooner than later. In doing so I am working nearly as many hours as I was and I am losing $300-$400 a month. I have thinking of ways to regain that money without having to hire a baby-sitter to watch the boys. My idea is to a paper delivery guy. I don't want to do this at all because it is 7 days a week and if I get sick or take a vacation then I have to find someone to cover my route. This past Monday I went and talked to a guy at the Morning News about getting a route. He has one coming available which pays around $800 a month plus a $250 bonus if I don't get a whole lot of complaints. He also told me they have an assistant manager for the paper couriers which works from 11:00pm-3:00am but only pays $9.00/hr. and works 3-5 week. I'm leaning toward the paper route since it generates more money but I'm open to any suggestions.


Stu said...

You know, the paper route seems like a good gig since it's not very difficult, but you have to get up so stinking early. I say whatever you end up doing, just take Max with you because that would make for some amazing blog readings for myself.

John Nelson said...

I propose becoming a male prostitute. I'm sure you can make some bank doing that.

Plus, you're a really good kisser.

Heidi said...

if you can stomach it, you can make $240 a mo. donating plasma - it's gotten us through some tight times. ;-)

Nate's Nonsense said...

Where and how do I get in contact with the plasma place?

Heidi said...

biolife plasma center is on the same road as the NWA pediatric clinic

you can call to set up an appointment as a first time donor (this can take up to 2 hours) where you'll read a bunch of literature, answer some basic health questions etc. then you can make appointments there after up to 2 times per week. you get $20 on your first visit and $40 your second time in the same week.
call 479-575-9477