Thursday, August 11, 2005


Most of you know that Max LOVES Star Wars. He especially loves the light saber. We officially have all four colors now (red, blue, green, and purple). So if anyone wants to come over and play Star Wars with us we are fully equipped. I'm pretty sure that Sarah told me Jaime Miller bought the coveted green light saber for us today. To Jaime I say, "We are indebted to you and you have officially made Max's list of favorite people. He has been asking for the green light saber for quite a while. There are some rules by which you must play: Whatever Max makes up for that moment. When he cuts your legs, you must die. Don't try and protect yourself too much, or Max will ask you not to; so he can kill you. He's a big fan of Obe-One, which he pronounces O-be-no-be-one. It's really funny to hear him. I'll try to attach a picture of him in his Star Wars underwear and yielding a light saber or two. He has watched 4 of the movies and he is raring to watch number 5. If anyone would like to come over and watch it with us you are welcome. Max will watch the movie at least once a day and 3 times a day if we let him do so.

1 comment:

John Nelson said...

Wow! Look at your blog all up and running! You even put on links down the side! Super fancy!

When the last Star Wars comes out on video, we should have a Star Wars weekend and watch all 6 of them! I'm all about super long movie watching. I'm still trying to get a group together to watch the Lord of the Rings back to back to back!