Monday, August 08, 2005


I'll write this little editor's note on my first blog here. I am very ramdon, scatter brained, and not grammatically correct. I don't care, but I thought I might warn you in case you get bothered by things like this. Enjoy reading.

One other thing. You might be wandering why I started my own blog spot. Sarah didn't like my DUI comment and has had many people ask her about the validity of the statement. I hope you all enjoy my thoughts and have a few laughs too. Peace, love and sooooooooul train.

After reading Shauna's "I'm Lifting the Damn Handle" it reminded me of last Monday. Last Monday was my first day on my own. I just got back from courier school in Irving, Texas, for two weeks. I need to give you some lingo for FedEx. On my route I am only supposed to get 1 on-call which is the lab at George's. An on-call is when someone calls in and says they have something to ship. I get so much freight on my route that I am only supposed to get an on-call from the lab if I get that on-call at all.

I get an on-call from some communication place that's on Hwy 412 E just up the road from the station. I didn't figure it would be too hard to find so I went searching. I look all over for this place and e-mail dispatch multiple times trying to find this place. Finally they send an e-mail back stating it is next to the big turkey by the poultry place. So I pull into the parking lot and I park right next to the big turkey but I still can't find the blasted place. I e-mail dispatch again and ask them if the business is supposed to be Game XChange? They e-mail back it's next to the big turkey! I e-mail back to them, "I'm at the big turkey!" There is not a business by this name. Are you sure you have it right?" Come to find out there's a blue building without a sign in front of it and the customer comes out to meet me. There's a sign in front of this building, but it is for the building behind this building. I wasted approximately 30-45 minutes trying to find this place and dispatch had to call someone to help me to get caught up on my route. The next day one of my managers rode with me because he thought I had the first day jitters so he wanted to calm me down. I assured him it was just that one on-call which I couldn't find. Things have been golden since then.

Thanks for the inspiration Shauna! You rock.

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